Saturday, August 16, 2008

Will Hunting's Future

So recently I have been compared to a fictional character, that being of Will Huntingplayed by Matt Damon. This movie which I was unaware of was a big hit and sparked the popularity by the writers Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. The basis of the story is a janitor working at MIT solving the equations on the board and no one else being able to solve them and much less in the amount of time Will did. Much of his story and with the struggle to be productive in everyday life that most people cherish on a day to day basis. Now granted I am not solving quantum physics or theoretical math, I do have the knack of understanding and being conceptual on new information.

Recently and like most people this age, they encounter a time in their lives when they reach a stress maximum and reach the point where they are at their wits end. Over the years and as a direct result of the stress factor, I have developed a strain of pessimism, mixed with extreme distaste for normalcy and low tolerance for most common people. No I am not better than anyone but there are just some things that when you think about it, they actually make sense just most of us don't pay attention to.

Anyway that set aside a major change has taken place in my life. I went from going to a pretty good Engineering School at the University of Louisville, to Jefferson Community College to a more prestigious school than before. Purdue is no joke, they reside up in the most notable that being the top 10 schools for that major in the nation. Now I am not here to brag but to inquire about a few issues at hand that are cumbersome to the future.

Most people (well really the 4 or 5 I send the link to this blog to) know I hate, let me rephrase HATE school. There is nothing more impetuous and boring than educating the young minds of tomorrow by a classroom** I have to actually go to a classroom, first time in over 3 years that I will be confined by 4 walls, listening and interpreting information like a scribe and not actually doing squat with it.

Let's just hope this appointment this Friday for some chill pill meds works. I don't know what I am going to do if I don't slow down. My main issue is this, granted I have the substance control of being able to cope with modern society, how far should I go and what reasons besides money should I complete in school? I need good input as to whether or not I need a bacehlors, masters, or DEng (PHD for Engineers). Those of you that read this know me best any input would be good. Keep in mind once I get a Bachelor's I will be leaving Insight or moving to a normal 8 to 5 job with Insight.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

1.) you need to relax before u have a heart attack. seriously. someone needs to do something with ur anxiety. ur a tad high strung anyway but u really should try to chill, its bad for ur blood pressure.

2) with that being said, im not sure what else to say or how to help you. but being a friend, i hope you figure out what u need to do....